Thursday, May 18, 2006

London, Day 3: Class

I had four hours of class this morning. I'm taking two classes. One is Religion and Culture in Shakespeare's Britain, a study of the life and times of William Shakespeare. We'll be reading several of his plays and examining their relationship with the environment in which they were written. The other is Culture and Society in England, Ireland, and Scotland, which are the three countries we'll be visiting on the trip. So far, we've talked about the early history of England, beginning with the Roman invasion in 55 BC. Turns out that this little island has been invaded several times. The classes were relatively interesting this morning. Facinelli, the professor teaching the culture and society class, makes these great sarcastic comments. She told a story from the guide for the tour of London yesterday. Apparently the guide had once asked a bus full of schoolchildren who had invaded Britain 2000 years ago. Their answer?


Sometimes, Jesus is *not* the answer.

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