Sunday, May 28, 2006

London, Day 13: Hyde Park

PathOn my way back from the National Portrait Gallery, I got off the tube a bit early and walked back to the hotel through Hyde Park. Hyde Park consists of 350 acres of grass, trees, and water in the middle of London. New York's Central Park was apparently modelled off of Hyde Park. In addition to the open space, Hyde Park is home to a number of trails, plants, and statues. Serpentine It was a sunny, warm afternoon, and the park was crowded with people playing football (and by that I mean soccer), volleyball, and frisbee. Boats may be rented, and several people were on the lake in the middle of the park. Others were sitting with family or friends on the benches or underneath trees. I saw a couple couples kissing. Many people were just walking along the numerous paths, as I was.

It may have been slow, but was far more scenic than taking the tube.

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