Sunday, May 28, 2006

London, Day 13: National Portrait Gallery

As part of an assignment, I went to see a Shakespeare exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery. This museum collects portraits of famous British people. They had a large exhibition about Shakespeare, which included items from that era in addition to portraits. There were records regarding him and his family, clothing that the actors might have worn, items found during the excavation of a theater from that period, portraits of people Shakespeare interacted with, and several likenesses of the Bard. However, most were not thought to be authentic portraits done of Shakespeare during his lifetime. The one shown here (image stolen from Wikipedia) is thought to be one of the better ones.

The pictures actually weren't that interesting. I did enjoy seeing the various 16th century artifacts. One of the striking things is how different the handrwriting style is. The writing is quite flowery. It's a bit reminiscent of the writing see in the Constitution, only with more embellishments. It was nearly impossible to read.

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