Thursday, September 28, 2006

Edinburgh Castle

It occurs to me that I ought to finish up writing about my trip. Here's a bit on Edinburgh Castle.

This was the field trip I missed. I needed to write a reflection paper about Edinburgh Castle, so I went on my own to visit. It's interesting how fast castles got old during the trip. By the time I went to Edinburgh Castle, I really wasn't that impressed. Of course, Edinburgh Castle is a bit bigger than many of the other places. I saw the Scottish crown jewels, visited a small chapel, and looked out over Edinburgh. There are a lot of cannons pointing outward from the walls of the castle. I would not be interested in trying to capture the place.

One interesting thing about the castle is that it's built on a large rock. It's much higher than the rest of the city. It's an interesting symbol of power, as well as a practical defense against attackers.

As always, pictures are available:

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