Tuesday, January 17, 2006

First Day of Class

Today marks the beginning of a new semester. I woke up much earlier than I usually want to in order to go to my 9:15 cell biology class. Unfortunately, my earliest class of the day is on the other side of campus, so sleeping in won't be much of an option.

When I arrived at the classroom, the professor was playing some very calming music, something he apparently does before every class. It was quite pleasant. Usually, I'm barely awake and stressed from rushing to an early morning class. The music helped me wake up in a relaxing way. Then, to begin class today, he showed us a powerpoint slideshow of some striking photographs. Most were pictures of nature, but there were also a few space shuttle pictures, and one which I believe was of the ant nebula.

I'm optimistic about how cell biology will go. The professor is enthusiastic and energetic. He used his whole body to model the way a cell sends out projections when it is "walking" along a surface. He also told us when we ought to be certain write something in our notes. Occasionally, he would walk around the classroom. He even made some funny comments, such as suggesting a quarantine area for students with colds or flu.

It sounds like the class will be fairly difficult. Apparently, the exams are all essay questions. Fortunately, there's no project. There isn't even any homework. While this does mean I must do well on the tests, it also means less work for me. I'm reasonably good at absorbing information. Overall, the class should be fun. Also, the professor mentioned that tea will be served at office hours. That's one way of getting students to come. I certainly plan to show up once in awhile.
Numerical Methods lab is scheduled today, but is cancelled since it's the first week of classes. We haven't even gone to lecture yet. Other than that, I have Applied Bioengineering Transport Phenomena this evening. I'm not looking forward to that, since Bioengineering Transport Phenomena was really hard.

I had lunch today with Craig. It was great getting to talk to him. Seems as though he's having an okay first day, too.

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